Mastering Commands in Don’t Starve Together: Your Ultimate Guide

“Don’t Starve Together” is a captivating survival game that challenges players to manage their resources, fend off creatures, and stay alive in a hostile environment. For both new and experienced players, using commands can greatly enhance the gameplay experience. This guide will walk you through the essential “Don’t Starve Together” commands, admin commands, console commands, server commands, and how to use them effectively.

Understanding Don’t Starve Commands

Commands in “Don’t Starve Together” allow players to modify game settings, spawn items, and manage the server. These commands are crucial for server admins and those who want to customize their gameplay experience.

Basic Don’t Starve Commands

  1. Opening the Console: To use commands, you first need to open the console. Press the tilde key (~) to bring up the console.
  2. Entering Commands: Type the desired command into the console and press Enter.

Essential Don’t Starve Together Admin Commands

As an admin, you have access to a range of powerful commands that help manage the server and players. Here are some key admin commands:

  1. c_godmode(): Enables god mode, making the player invincible.
  2. c_supergodmode(): Grants invincibility, infinite resources, and no hunger or sanity drain.
  3. c_spawn("item", quantity): Spawns a specified item in the desired quantity.
  4. c_announce("message"): Sends a message to all players on the server.

Don’t Starve Together Console Commands

Console commands offer a variety of functions, from spawning items to altering game mechanics. Here are some useful console commands:

  1. GetPlayer(): Gets the player instance, useful for chaining with other commands.
  2. TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_nextphase"): Forces the game to skip to the next day phase.
  3. TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation"): Forces rain to start or stop.
  4. TheInput:GetWorldEntityUnderMouse():Remove(): Removes the object currently under the mouse cursor.

Don’t Starve Together Server Commands

Managing a server requires specific commands to ensure smooth operation and player management. Here are some essential server commands:

  1. c_regenerateworld(): Regenerates the world, starting a new game with the same settings.
  2. c_reset(): Resets the server, reloading the world without losing progress.
  3. c_save(): Saves the current state of the world manually.
  4. c_shutdown(): Shuts down the server safely.

DST Server Commands

For server administrators, DST (Don’t Starve Together) server commands are essential for maintaining control and ensuring an optimal gaming experience for players. Some key DST server commands include:

  1. c_listallplayers(): Lists all players currently on the server.
  2. c_killallplayers(): Kills all players on the server, useful for resetting the game.
  3. c_ban("player_name"): Bans a specified player from the server.
  4. c_unban("player_name"): Unbans a previously banned player.

How to Use Commands in Don’t Starve Together

Using commands in “Don’t Starve Together” is straightforward once you know the basics. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Open the Console: Press the tilde key (~) to open the console.
  2. Enter the Command: Type the desired command into the console. Make sure to use the correct syntax and parameters.
  3. Execute the Command: Press Enter to execute the command. You should see the effects immediately in the game.

Tips for Using Commands

  • Save Frequently: Before using powerful commands like world regeneration or resetting, save your progress to prevent data loss.
  • Test Commands: If you’re unsure about a command, test it in a safe environment to understand its effects.
  • Use Admin Privileges Wisely: Admin commands are powerful tools. Use them responsibly to enhance the game experience for all players.


Mastering commands in “Don’t Starve Together” can significantly enhance your gameplay and server management. Whether you’re an admin looking to manage your server effectively or a player wanting to customize your game, understanding these commands is crucial. Use this guide to navigate the various commands available and elevate your “Don’t Starve Together” experience.